Jim was young and seemed innocent everything went okay. Born and raised under city lights knew he'd make it some day. Had some "friends" in the streets at night, shady deals were arranged. Then on night on his way back home, terror filled the air. Too late to run nowhere to hide, with heavy handed guys on every side. :"tell me please what's goin on?,Is it me you want, Is it me you want?" (you) me you want? (hey you) Double crossed in a evil way, accused of a traitors crime. : How can I prove my innocents,you're only wastin your time". Locked away as a prisoner, body shakin with fear, " Lord have mercy on this fool, get me out of here". :"Jimmy move out if you wanna live, the first and only warning you'll get is this". "swear you guys I don't know what's goin on, Is it me you want, Is it me you want.