
Tough Titty Cupcakes


Well I'm not really bad, I'm just drawn that way
and I didn't ask to look like a bandit
Just a single mother, got to feed my babes
And I've done pretty well, I've just got to hand it
to me…

Livin' on trash and berries and such
and the folks in the big house, they put out so much
food for their precious kitty cats
that me and my babes, we could get chubby
on that…

From my sneaky bandit face
to my hot bushy tail
I'm tough mean and crafty
Sharp of tooth and nail
Don't mess with me
Keep yer kitties outa sight
Cuz I'm lurkin' by day
And I rule the night

There's no wrong or right in what I do -
just protectin' my kids and findin' food
Get out o’ the hen house if you can't take the heat
Can I help it if your chickies are so tender n sweet?

Well that's what you get for livin' out in the boonies
Gotta deal with a bunch of us no good raccoons!

I ain't got much but I do pretty well
Got m brains an my looks an my sense of smell
I'm just try'n'ta survive on a day to day
I'm not bad
I'm just drawn that way