
Girl With The Lion's Tail


Don't look for home in me between the lines of this, our fairytale
Man cannot follow the monsters
It's simple for you love but never for me
Nothing can be as it once was

Call me a beast as you've always done
But one which can no longer love you
Look for me not, lover, I am long gone
How can you hope to follow?

You're meant to crawl
Upon your knees
Not steal my soul
Or talk to me
Nor beg me to come home with you
The last thing I would ever do
I am the place where air meets ice
Escaping from your paradise
The girl with the lion's tail

I don't want to be the girl you tame
An oddity locked away somewhere safe
Your one-heart menagerie, lonely

Give me back the girl I was, the beast I used to be
Shedding the skin of this creature
You were never cage enough to keep the light inside
Deny me the sky and I'm running

A lion must keep something back for her own
If she's been let to live
I'd sooner run than waste away at home
You already have all that I had to
Give me back my broken heart
The dress I wore in ostia
Everything you took away
And soul-self replaced
Take away your holiness
Your pleading and your crying eyes
And bring me back the girl I was

Go cry your ave Maria my love
Cry me a river to hell
Hell or home its all much the same
Your script your saint your cell

I don't want to be the girl you tame
An oddity, locked away somewhere safe
Your one-heart menagerie, lonely
(Ave Maria, gratia plena)

Ave Maria, gratia plena, dona nobis pacem, amen
(If you don't feed what you have tamed
How can you ask it to love you?)
(Give me this!)
(I don't want to be the girl you tame)
Your one-heart menagerie