It’s so much to take he says Singing softly, out of key Down by the sea In the evening breeze The clouds are hanging low tonight I can feel them float and soak His skin and mind His skin and mine They say That’s alright, it’s only life It floats away with the morning light That’s alright, it’s only life It floats away with time Drinks and drugs and caffeine Runs wild through his frame To fill a void beneath his skin It’s a hollow float A temporary soothing They say That’s alright, it’s only life It floats away with the morning light That’s alright, it’s only life It floats away with time But I can’t feel his breathing I can’t feel his heart beating They say That’s alright, it’s only life It floats away with the morning light That’s alright, it’s only life Only life It floats away with time We all float away with time