
Our Cities Are Burning


The world was in the deepest
Financial crisis since the depression
Economic confidence had plummeted
And governments around the world
Faced the prospect of social instability and unrest
Back in February
The top U.S. intelligence official
Said global economic problems
Were a threat to U.S. national security
I started to hear a language
I never thought I would hear in my life
People were talking about the entire global economy
Coming to a total stand still

The downturn will produce political instability
And damage the ties that hold countries together
That's why intelligence officials subsequently believe
The economy is not THE top threat
To our nation's security
Countries around the world might even be
Tempted to engage in financial warfare
The primary near term security concern
Of the United States, is the global economic crisis
Rising unemployment and reduced welfare spending
Are leading to political instability
In many countries. With a growing danger
Of civil unrest and violence
Potentially directed against the United States

For too long now, giant corporations
Have been allowed to undermine democracy
Here in the United States
And all over the world

Demonstrations erupted
During the first general strike
Since the new government took office in June
Tens of thousands took to the streets
Some hurling firebombs, breaking windows
And setting fire to debris
U.S. airforce counter intelligence documents
Show military personel who contact
Wikileaks or it's supporters
May be at risk for being charged with
Communicating with the enemy
A military crime that carries a maximum
Sentence of death

Now because of just the information overload
And how does anybody tell if anything is real
Or if anything's actually being presented to them
Seriously or not?
Everything could be a lie or bullshit
Or nothing but hear'say

We only have one thing
The bottom line
How to make as much money as they can
In any given quarter
That's it

Much of the city was deserted
And eerily quiet overnight
As the police flooded the streets
With sixteen thousand officers
Ten thousand more than on Monday night

I don't care what reading of history you take
The pattern is always the same
Whenever bacteria or invasion strikes
Or fire rages
Then, and only then
Do men stop fighting each other
And work together to save themselves
Common enemy
Common fear
That is the only answer

The republic as we know it is gone
Anybody who thinks that
We now operate under a constitutional republic
Or even democracy is deluded

We are going to create an enemy

Of course they make a profit
And it's a good thing!
That's the incentive that makes capitalism work
To give us more of the things that we need
That's the incentive that other economic systems lack