Through the Night she rode into Tunnels below The Leaves of a black Wood Where the Stars Signaled a Gathering Amassing Shadow From the boiling Seas... Under the Flame of a frozen Winter's chill She called to subterranean Beasts Retelling Damnation... and the touch Of blessed water to Her Skin (Siren thus spoke to her Lord and Master): "Oh Lord Satan, grant me what is Thine Vanquish all Christians, Christians far and wide Spare all who wouldn't dare oppose My Dark Will Ending life, My soul is yours Unleash Infernal Overkill!" So on that fateful Eve when Our Witch reported home She stayed on Earth one final Night, one final Night alone Hexing all of Christendom, And the many lands within Minions flew from certain Hell Bringing certain Sin Lost in forbidden essence Sworn to the King of Night She cleansed the lands by Her wicked Craft Black Candles burnt incessantly A calling end to all life Casting many evil Spells She gained my Master's sight Killing off predestined priests that submerged Her Head in Coal Commanding Her to accept their god, But instead she sold Her Soul Madly stabbing with scorn for Her own Flesh She murdered Herself a Christian now blessed It's all the same heaven or Hell beneath So she ended Her life With Burning Blood at Her Feet