Simply Red

Coming Home

Simply Red

Dark nights, head­lights
I'm going home
Stars bright, hold tight
I'm com­ing home

And when I do
I'm gonna love you more
Than I've ever done before
Yes I'm going home

I've paid the price
I'm alone tonight
Still I'm com­ing home

It feels so right
Head­ing home tonight
No more alone

And when I do
I gotta love you, more
Than I've ever done before
Yes I'm com­ing home

I'm going home

I pray the night
Will treat me right
Oh take me home

The stars are bright in para­dise
No more alone

And when I do
I gotta love you, more
Than I've ever done before
Yes I'm com­ing home

I'm com­ing home
No more alone
I gotta get there
I gotta get there
I'm com­ing home, yes I am now