Bankrupt Bankrupt Bankrupt Blow it up! Blow it up! Hail to the king of vanity Praise to the lord of hostility Hallejulah! Bless the bottom line New day, same con, works every time Take it all till there's nothing left Never believed a word that you said Destroyer, you are become death Sell out, cash in, but you'll always be Bankrupt I'm waiting for an answer Life is a disaster we're going through Time keeps on moving backwards The world is a cancer coming for you Hail to the king, well, who's the fucking king? I won't be bowing to power, I'll never kiss the ring Fake fortunes on the backs of the unfortunate Stock options only offset the loneliness Money talks but time's going deaf Can't buy back the life that you spent Destroyer, you are become death Sell out, cash in, but you'll always be I'm waiting for an answer Life is a disaster we're going through Time keeps on moving backwards The world is a cancer coming for you Everybody's got a knife to their neck If they're coming for them, they're gonna come for you next (nobody) Nobody's life is worth as much as the check They're gonna sign it in blood with the tip (of the bayonet) Fuck! Bring it on! The deck is stacked The game is rigged The only rope they give Chokes us when they pull the strings I'm waiting for an answer Life is a disaster we're going through (Take it all till there's nothing left) Time keeps on moving backwards The world is a cancer coming for you Everybody's got a knife to their neck