Back in my old glorious days, we’ve sailed the sea to hostile shores Captain Davis caught in trap was gunned down to his grave Tragic moment for us all, there was no other time to waste The new leader was elected then he took command Hail! Hail to Black Bart, skilled sailor born to be Black Bart, the ruthless devil of the sea Reluctant to piracy, he has been forced to join the crew Not a foolish common man, he prooved to be the best Planning out a blood revenge he gave the order to attack Saber, gun and cannon were prepared to give’em hell Hail! Hail to Black Bart, skilled sailor born to be Black Bart, the ruthless devil of the sea After a week we sailed back to kill Governors had paid for their insolent trick Smoking ruins of the city were left The fire of anger has wiped it away Fulfilled our goal we got back to the ship Preparing ourself for the imminent trip Black Bart Knew it would come to an end We’ve followed him over the wild waves of destiny Strong willed and feared man, the last of his kind Bound to the sea and doomed to fade in history Hail! Hail to Black Bart, skilled sailor born to be Black Bart, the ruthless devil of the sea Black Bart, cleaver sailor born to lead Black Bart, the golden age of piracy