


I'm going to have some fun start in my life
But my idea of fun
Involves a bullet and a gun
You all taunt when ive never even seen your face
Just know that the one you taunt
Is the one who loves to haunt
I've learned the tricks and tips and little easter easter eggs
The ones that help open my mind
Evils as angels in disguise
I cheer and you fear all the worlds got to share
But the worst has yet to come
Just know it's from what you've done

Try like me
To find some apathy
Because we're all so cold
And there's no stopping from getting old

It's not that hard to do things that go against a book
Verse by verse minipulation
The source of the revelation
Ever get the impression of oppressing kings?
Not all are wearing crowns
Some are threats and some are clowns
Todays the end of tomorrow in 15,000 years
Who will press the button first
Which killer will quanch their thirst
I know soon the credits roll but i'm not wasting my time
Never gonna not be lost
What this worth, i missed the cost

So i take my thoughts
Killing like bloodclots
To the grave
Because the last sight
Of our longer fight
Impossible to save

I sin, i smoke
I breath, i choke
I sleep, i think
I float, i sink
I love, i lust
I hate, i rust
I live, i cry
I kill, i die