Since the beginning there's been a division Not at all desired Always standing in the way So hard to push to the side Hidden from the world of others Dwelling in the heart Sad emotions that pervaded Both the good and the bad times DON'T LET IT WIN Don't let it break the love of kin DON'T LET IT WIN The dark division, the darkest sin Making the best of it is such a challenge Being ill at ease Always learning how to act To preserve the honesty True regret will earn respect And unite both sides But division keeps resentment Growing slowly over time DON'T LET IT WIN Don't let it break the love of kin DON'T LET IT WIN The dark division It's time to break through the divide Time to think Right the wrong Time to BREAK THROUGH THE DIVIDE Time to think Right the wrong Time to BREAK THROUGH THE DIVIDE Time to feel regret Forgive and forget Time to BREAK THROUGH THE DIVIDE Time to neutralize Time to smooth it out Time to BREAK THROUGH THE DIVIDE