Would you care for some good tea? My dear follow me, it's almost time for tea! My situation's quite sticky, cause you see Our funds are quite low We don't know where to go (You realize, child, I heard what you said- You hate grilled food? See, that's quite rude! Those with manners care for more than themselves!) If he invites you to his pub, excuse yourself Small one follow me, it's nearly time for tea! My situation's quite sticky, but you see I know what I can do With greedy people like you Oh look! It's time for tea! So join me in my fire dance Fire dance My tea time prance Your soul would go for a hefty price I won't think twice! Welcome to my lava pit Pay up love, or that's it for you Pay up or you're hit And when you're hit, that's it Let's dance in my fire pit Let's dance in my lava pit Let's prance in this boiling pit Welcome, kiddo, this is it Let's prance in my fire pit Let's prance in my lava pit Let's dance in this boiling pit Kiddo, welcome, this is it Let's prance, let us dance, why don't we prance around this firey pit Little human, my tea time prance! Might wanna watch your step! Let's dance, let us prance, why don't we dance around this boiling pit Little human, this tea time prance! My fire dance! Watch where you step, or you're hit!