Shy Siesta

Boneache (StoryShift)

Shy Siesta

You'd like to leave here?

That's fine, but

I'd like to be sure that you can handle yourself on your own

I know they'll try to
He will

They're after your soul

Human I am just deeply concerned for your wellbeing, see
I just wish for you to make it to your family safely

I don't wanna be
Left alone again

When they each would leave
I never heard from

All I was is for
You to be okay-

Can you promise me?

I know they're all probably having a ball out there
But there's this unerving feeling I can't shake
I know they've probably just forgotten about me
But I still feel like you leaving would be a mistake

I see you won't fight back, well that's alright
It just shows that maybe you'll still have a chance
If you are strong enough to still spare
Maybe your mercy will show them love is still there