Shredding Sanity

Process Of Self Destruction

Shredding Sanity

What's that, I've never seen it before
Is this fuckin' thing a beast
It approaches, what do I have to do?
Flee or wait and see?
This kind of creature shouldn't exist
What do they expect from us
I've always thought it was fiction
I wish that it would disappear

It's time for us to take action
Let them know that they are undesired
We don't tolerate such threats
We came here to share our knowledge
And to give you some advice
To make a world of equality like ours
A world of peace and serenity

Let us help you to save yourselves
From a certain death
You're stuck in a process of self destruction
We came to save you but you decided to reject your saviors
You consider us invaders
Now you can fear our wrath

Man doesn't need that kind of help
You're here to exploit our world
To steal the wealth of the earth
You're just like parasites to us
We came to prevent you from your coming extinct
Shame on your rapacious race
You will suffer til' you meet your judgement
Your mind will lead you to your defeat