Shredding Sanity


Shredding Sanity

The only world we've ever known is the best for us
The master dictates my life
He builds my mind
Feelings are forbidden
I grew up in this place where
The uniformity of beings is our strength

Who am I really?
Why should I be a puppet?
Why should I obey their rules?
Waiting for deliverance
My visions are clearing up and my doubts are confirmed
Our bodies are only hosts to confine their souls
I have to leave this place in my quest for truth
To see what there's beyond these walls, let's go!

You will not catch up with me
The game is over
All my life is a lie, my memories are fictional
I was a number among the rest, only a thing
I unmasked the great delusion
Now I'm free, I feel what I want to feel
Feelings give a sense to our lives
Don't let anyone impose them for you

I have to free my condemned brothers
I found the real world outside and I must show them
A free world where feelings are the magic words
Hate and love are better than deadly ignorance

You will not catch up with me
The game has just begun