Grasping for the edge of sanity Drowning in a sea of fake smiles Society is a cesspool of diseased ridden scum Living out a life sentence of self destruction Addicted to corruption Embraced by apathy It's so easy to be Societys whore Puppet say, puppet do It's so hard to care anymore Averexious excess Consume the madness Torn from a birthright of innocence Poisioned by utter indifference Dehumanized by the machine Reduced to blind servetude Humanitys endless sleeps reign of terror will slaughter the f***ing sheep Grasping for the edge of sanity Drowning in a sea of fake smiles Society is a cesspool of diseased ridden scum Living out a life sentence of self destruction Addicted to corruption Embraced by apathy It's so easy to be Societys whore Puppet say, puppet do It's so hard to care anymore