
Thoth - The Silent Witness


Imbibe the wisdom of the Moon (the Moon)
The ibis-headed scribe delivers us the truth
Deceiving Thoth in vain
He is the keeper of the memory
Maat’s quills
He prefers over sharpened spears
With the quill
He will scribe the laws
To guide souls
To the afterlife
To the light
Through the cycles of life, death, rebirth
Thoth is sealing our fate on his scrolls
Witness on the trial of gods
Will expose your every vice and act
Of the people’s pleas he is a messenger
He puts our hearts against the feathers on the scale
He reconciles wrathful gods and men
Brings all fights to the ends
Those who have rejected Ibis’ bless
Who spread the word of heresy
And who fall prey to Set’s deceit (ya)
Are damned
Their souls (are) tormented by the demons they’ve unleashed
They are condemned to eternal agony

Without light of the divine
In the dark they all swarm
Their simple minds
Lost in the chasm of their own design

Oh Thoth, the scribe of truth and law
Observes us without judgment as we mortals rise and fall
For him the wars and love are mere commotions on the Earth below
The silent witness and the keeper of the lore
Knowledge is magic for those dwell in dark
Science and wisdom in primal fear they try to ban
Minions of Set (are) deifying themselves
Charming army of fools to stand on four in their herd
Forgotten in sands
They will decay
Accept the faith (accept the faith)
And you will prevail
Oh Thoth, the scribe of truth and law
Observes us without judgment as we mortals rise and fall
For him the wars and love are mere commotions on the Earth below
The silent witness and the keeper of the lore
Forgotten in sands
They all will decay
Accept the faith
And you will prevail