Tom: Db INTRO (MAIN RIFF, played throughout the song unless stated otherwise) C5 E|-------------------|--------------------------| B|-------------------|--------------------------| G|-------------------| :---(5)------------------:| repeat second bar four times for the intro D|-------------3h4p3-| :---(5)-----------3h4p3--:| the notes between brackets are played by the sitar A|----1--3--4--------|--3------1--3--4----------| during the verses and choruses E|-------------------|--------------------------| VERSE 1 C5 Would you believe me when I tell you You are the king of my dreams. Please don't deceive me when I hurt you It just ain't the way it seems. MAIN RIFF 2x CHORUS C5 Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? MAIN RIFF 2x VERSE 2 C5 I need you like a desert needs rain I would rather like to die Darling I hurt when I do not see you So spead your wings and fly MAIN RIFF 2x CHORUS Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? MAIN RIFF 1x INTERLUDE (sitar riff) E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-4---3---1-3-----3---1-----1-----1---------------------------------1----3-------| E|-------------------------4-----------4---3-4--3---1---------1-1-3---------------| DRUM AND BASS INTERLUDE (1:28-2:08) C5 D- INTRO C5 E|-------------------|--------------------------| B|-------------------|--------------------------| G|-------------------| :---(5)------------------:| repeat second bar four times for the intro D|-------------3h4p3-| :---(5)-----------3h4p3--:| the notes between brackets are played by the sitar A|----1--3--4--------|--3------1--3--4----------| during the verses and choruses E|-------------------|--------------------------| VERSE 3 (same as verse 1) C5 Would you believe me when I tell you You are the king of my dreams. Please don't deceive me when I hurt you It just ain't the way it seems MAIN RIFF 2x CHORUS C5 Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? MAIN RIFF 2x VERSE 4 (same as verse 2) C5 I need you like a desert needs rain I would rather like to die Darling I hurt when I do not see you So spead your wings and fly MAIN RIFF 2x CHORUS Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? Can't you hear my love buzz? MAIN RIFF 3x OUTRO E|----------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------| A|-4---3---1-3-----3---1-----1-----1------------------------| E|-------------------------4-----------4---3-4--3---1-------|