Subtraction of what you call soul, And there we lie in our viscid crimson. Vaporized unter the droning sun, God's coagulated thought... Obedient recipients of death, To blossom out in stereotypy. Single-minded sinlessness Can't avoid to prod the shreds of memory... To expose the rot! Septic selves! We're but asleep. Our bipolarity concealed! Subtraction of what you call morality, And there we try to to slake our unhuman lust. Craving for tangy, zesty roadkill, God's coagulated antidote... Surrender to atavistic urges, Beseechingly we beg to scratch our sores. Concocted behaviour patterns, The unvarnished instinct will come to force... To expose the rot! Septic selves! We're but asleep. Our bipolarity concealed! In sullen slumber, In septic dreams, We are gluttoning with gusto! Festering, Until the day Our sensual boil is cracking! To expose the rot! Septic selves! We're but asleep. Our bipolarity concealed!