PANDA moyou no TOOSUTAA SUICCHI ga haittara ORENJI iro no KAPPU ni MIRUKU tappuri sosoide I feel fine today. I'm ready to go. kinou to wa sukoshi dake chigau atarashii sekai e ashita to mo chigatteru bouken no sekai e Over the rainbow ROKETTO ni notte tobidase IMAJINEESHON KYANDII kaban ni tsumekonde KOODINEETO wa KYUUTO ni fuku mo kibun mo BERIIPOPPU I feel fine today. I'm ready to go. kinou to wa sukoshi dake chigau atarashii sekai e ashita to mo chigatteru bouken no sekai e Over the rainbow ROKETTO ni notte tobidase I feel fine today. I'm ready to go. kinou to wa sukoshi dake chigau atarashii sekai e ashita to mo chigatteru bouken no sekai e Over the rainbow ROKETTO ni notte tobidase tanoshii ichinichi arigatou soko ni ita no wa ARIGEETAA I'm so happy if I think so now!! kinou to wa sukoshi dake chigau atarashii sekai e ashita to mo chigatteru bouken no sekai e kinou to wa sukoshi dake chigau atarashii sekai e ashita to mo chigatteru bouken no sekai e Over the rainbow ROKETTO ni notte tobidase Over the rainbow ROKETTO ni notte tobidase