

The worries of this life
The deceitfulness of the riches and the desire for all things
Come in and choke the world
And bring unfruitfulness
Open your eyes so that you may turn from the darkness to the light
Unmask the parasites

Far above all rule, authority and power: Our crown is imperishable

The way in which you used to walk
Would have left you dead in your transgressions
When you followed all the ways of the world
You are the salt of the Earth

He'll masquerade as an angel of light
Get behind!
The prince of this world will be cast out

Judgment is on the world, draw the people
Lift us up from the Earth
Rescue us from the domain of darkness led by the sons of disobedience

Stay alert for the enemy walks around like a roaring lion
Fiercely hungry, seeking anyone vulnerable whom he may devour
Take hold of the dragon the evil serpentine creature of old
The one who deceived is now banished from Earth

Your life hangs in the balance
The devil's a liar

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against principalities
Against powers
Against the rulers of the darkness of this world

The devil's a liar

Depart from me, for I never knew thee!
Depart from me, for I never knew thee!
Depart from me, for I never knew thee!