As he raised his hand once again An evil grin appeared on his face Mommy turned her face away Now the tables will turn Slipping out of his grip Grabbing a knife behind his back Letting it enter his spine A red veil darkened her eyes (it's time to die) The long shiny knife Flickered in the light Hear it rip through flesh "You will never hurt me again" Looking up, her sister tries to run Jumping up, Another knife is found "Your life will become undone" Another pool colours the earth Trying to save her own life Mommy swings around a chair Hoping this end her daughter's nightmare Though sealing her own fate Seeing what the veil caused Smothered with his guts Her blood and evil itself Her stomach turns Tears smother the earth Mixed with their blood She looses the knife on her way out Along with innocence As her naked feet hit the first mud