Seventh Gate

I Alone

Seventh Gate

The dust will pile higher and higher 
Memories will only fade 
Spirits will one day rise 
Feel the fire burn my eyes 
I will bathe in the waters 
Poured from the sky 
Inhale dark winters 
Thoughts of decay 
Don? Remain 
Fade away 
Scaling the walls 
Of my mind 
With sweaty palms 
Unending dead end 
Shall we hold hands 
And die? 
Morning star 
Shall not rise 
Unstitch the seams 
Free to dream 
Driven towards 
The brink that will not sink 
Walking in a see of red 
Mist fills my head 
With dreams of the dead 
Pale breath of sunlight 
Reignites my shame 
As flowers consume the earth 
How can something that only exists for a fragment of time cease to exist 
When it never really existed at all? 
Cease to exist when it never really existed at all? 
At all!