Seven Angel

Woken By Silence

Seven Angel

Tom: A

To: *
Subject: WokenBySilence by *

as recorded by Seventh Angel
on the 1991 Edge Music release
Lament for the Weary

written by Ian Arkley and Simon Bibby
transcribed by Mike Pilato

If you are attempting to learn this song, you have one of two very
interesting characteristics about yourself:
        1)  you will attempt to play anything whether you know it
                or not
        2)  you know of this group and thus stand with the minority
                of others that do also.
A simple piece, but enjoy anyway! --Mike

p = pull off
h = hammer on
/ = slide
TIME = 3/4
tune guitars down 1 whole step [DGCFAd]

   gtr1 (rich classical sound....aaaaah...)
|  gtr2 (strum pattern = up, down)

_________________  _______________________________
|1               ||2


|  gtr2


_________________________ __________________________
|1                       ||2
   gtr1    (pause)           (irregular meter)       (let ring)

|  For questions (though this piece isn't that difficult) :        |
|       *                                   |
|                                                                  |
|  "The thief comes in order to Steal, Kill, and Destroy.  I have  |
|       come in order that you might have life--life in all its    |
|       fullness" --Jesus Christ (John 10:10)                      |