Abandon your safety belt horizon could be possible just to emancipate yourself from the mess we're in and i've locked the brakes for good now debate can finally start about decisions edging rough now recreate a universe it's like a second skip of blank it's like a moment of bliss free falling towards active transitions won't escape me and i've locked the brakes for good now debate can finally start about decisions edging rough now recreate a universe it's like a second skip of blank it's like a moment of bliss free falling towards active transitions won't escape me i shot the breeze avant garde alignment is a freer form of cloud to reshape and now remould to remould and now reshape into a splash of water horizon could be possible it's like a second skip of blank it's like a moment of bliss free falling towards active transitions won't escape me i shot the breeze avant garde alignment is a freer form of cloud to reshape and now remould to remould and now reshape into a splash of water bubbles