I am evil incarnate. I’ve come for slaughter. I’ve come to claim the heads of all your sons and daughters I’ve prayed for the chance circumstance of today When a hero must learn his place Separate the skin from bone and throw your body to the fucking dogs ha! All that we are, requires sacrifice And all we’ve become, pretentious parasites The whores and the liars will burn in the fires While Lions devour Both Martyrs and cowards Cause’ all in all we’re all just dead meat Bring me the desperado! And put his head on a silver plate! Tentative and barely breathing crawling on the floor Reaching out for hope in that your reaching for the door I cannot help but simply laugh as I just simply break your back Throw your body on the table and begin to slowly hack away your life Hello kids this is Bodily Dismemberment 101 with Set To Stun…. “And now that we’ve successfully cracked through the sternum, we’re going to pull out his heart, rip out his gizzards, scissor his livers, tear out his lungs, now aren’t we havin’ fun?” I think I’ve lost my fucking mind! Mirror before me no please don’t ignore me its easy to see Through all your lies A lifetime of hatred a heart that’s mistaken itself for eyes And if the devil wants me, well he knows where to find me They’ll take my body but my heart belongs to my love When the devil comes for me I believe that everything that’s come to be will simply send me STRAIGHT BACK TO HELL But I won’t stop ‘til nothings left with no remorse and no regret with no respect for life or death I just don’t give a fuck! (MURDERER…) … WIGGLE LIKE A WORM ON A HOOK! Baby do you remember? We used to sing together! Singing like SHA LA LA LA! Sha la la la la la don’t be shy you know that you going to die nobody will miss you girl (NO NO!) Nothing left to do but say goodbye so baby close your eyes and let me kiss you girl! Mother do you remember what you told me when we were young? You told me “One day son I hope the wrong I’ve done will play no hindrance in the making of the man that you’d become” Now I’m standing as a culprit to the fact Bludgeoned and beaten with a baseball bat Bludgeoned and beaten broken defeated but mother do I make you proud of me? Destiny, guide me through fear and through death! Will they remember (remember remember!) All the wrong I’ve done? (What I’ve done) My darling Amanda (in a world gone wrong) You had me at hello… When all is said and done, and when I’m dead and gone… Who we are is solely based on what we’ve done For every time you stood your ground when it was easier to run Believe me I know what its like To be the only one fighting for what is right Now when he’s on his knees and covered in blood When he’s outnumbered ten to one This is where we fight back This is where we all stand strong When you set Jack loose upon the world you know you crossed the line I’ve second-guessed myself for the last time Once and for all I’m taking back what’s mine And I can’t fucking take this anymore I can’t fucking take it any longer William when I’m dead and gone promise me that you’ll carry on… THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT BACK THE IS WHERE WE ALL STAND STRONG THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT BACK THIS IS WHERE WE ALL BELONG And if God can’t stop me, then no one will Because it’s a dog-eat-dog world and I’ve got bigger teeth than you do When all is said and done, and when I’m dead and gone All a man can take with him to his grave Is an empty box of bones, headstone and his name And I’ll be damned to carry this shame I’ve given up on you.