Serpent Noir

Invocation Of Sorath

Serpent Noir

The sun is winning
The eclipse is set
Phenomenal night prevails
Tiphareth to thagirion

On the tree of knowledge (sitra ahra)
The place of outpouring residence
Where the dark side of being dwells
The void of the great beast
And the animal self in man

Tiphareth to thagirion (polarity of moral and instict
The dynamic ofconsciousness)

Thagirion initiation
The initiation of the black sun
When it's accomplished a xon gate is opened

The black sun burns
Behold the great flames of tagaririm
Flames of the black sun burn

Lepaca sorath

We invoke sorath! Proclaimer of the new aeon
The earth is clad in shadows when his arrival is at hand

(Announcing that God is dead and man is God)