Sergio Umbria

Love Is Joy And Peace

Sergio Umbria

Love is joy and peace, four letters, a lot
Pleasure, but there are those who confuse love with
Sexual desire, and it is not like that, although sex forms
Part of love, but saying I love you is not saying desire
Have sex with you

Love is feeling joy when others get
Good and important things for them, is to feel peace
Because others do not suffer the ups and downs of life
It is to rejoice in the one who does kindness, and gives peace

Love is joy and peace, four letters, a lot
Pleasure, but there are those who confuse love with
Sexual desire, and it is not like that, although sex forms
Part of love, but saying I love you is not saying desire
Have sex with you

Love is knowing that one loves another person but
He does not want anything with one, that is to say that he is happy although
Do not be with me, because love is not envious, nor is it selfish
He never looks for his own, and remember we have to love each other
Everyone, loving each other is not having sex

Love is joy and peace, four letters, a lot
Pleasure, but there are those who confuse love with
Sexual desire, and it is not like that, although sex forms
Part of love, but saying I love you is not saying desire
Have sex with you