Towards Judgement In the gloom of the twilight the deep blue sea of stars glistening the crystallic heavens open, cosmic light cascades to the silvery waters the black spire casts its shadow a bubonic substance spreads rapidly an all consuming fire endlessly hunting and seeking its elusive prey devouring all that crosses its path with tireless ferocity an eternally unquenched thirst for life in this emptiness a moonless sky in starless majesty beneath the hollow atmosphere a bleak path of desolation is forged for wanderers to stride these barren plains parched like the desert and cold as the cruelest of winters pale and lifeless oh death dark-handed your grip draws ever closer Wings of black pestilence ravage the land a plague of horror draws its veil over the falling sun the clouds herald an eternity of darkness to come a final ray of dark red light waves its departure and the earth opens up to expel its fury upon the land. In torment we shall writhe, and in suffering we shall rise. Towards judgement!