
Singing In My Sleep


Tom: E

Intro  (strum mostly the fingered notes, let top ones ring occasionally)

E (079900)  Bsus (x24400)
C#m (X46600)  A9 (X02200) Amaj7/9 (X02100) A9 (X02200)

E (X799XX)
Got your tape and it changed my mind

B (X244XX)
Heard your voice in between the lines

C#m (X466XX)
Come around from another time

A9  A9 Amaj7/9  A9 
Where nobody ever goes

 (chords same as first half of verse)

All alone on the overpass
Wired and phoned to a heart of glass
Now I'm falling in love too fast
With you or the songs you chose 

A9 B/F# (2244xx)
And all the stars
Play for me

B/F# A9  (same voicings as above, reverse order)
Say the promise you long to keep

E/B B/F# F#m  A  
I can hear you sing it to me in my sleep
I can hear you sing it to me in my sleep

 (second verse and choruses same as first)

I've been living in your cassette
It's the modern equivalent
Singing up to a Capulet
On a balcony in your mind
In the City the lion sleeps
Pray to Sony my soul to keep
Were you ever so bright and sweet
Did you ever look so nice
And all the sounds
Dream for me
Dive me down in a soul so deep 
I can hear you sing it to me in my sleep
I can hear you sing it to me in my sleep