You exterminate any apology for stealing from me It’s just a kiss, it’s just a touch And if you’re sorry- stop putting the blame on me In your mind, where the pale Moon ricochets In your eyes And within your vapid brain Intertwined And the symptom of the cause is you’re problematic And the symptom of the cause is you're so dramatic And the symptom of the cause is you take what you crave Stop putting the blame on me In your mind Where the pale Moon ricochets Off your eyes And within your vapid brain Intertwined Inside You’re exposed and blind It's all bleak Your ideals, it's all bleak inside Your fever claws till you can feel the way she winds Down Dig your claws, and you can feel her, catch and bind Her Inside It's all bleak, bathed in white Trap her innocence inside It’s all bleak inside It's so cold It's so cold It's so cold So cold