Your hard times produce perseverance Which produces character, which leads to hope Peep the whole scope of the matter Ya brains the mainframe that stores the data Then instant recall when flaming daggers Are thrown in your path, your faith in god makes you laugh Check the equation, you did the math All i'm trying to say is don't let hard times get in your way Cause god has a plan from yesterday to today I realize the trouble i face, is like running a race for the grand prize, steady my pace Clap my hand and pray for guidance Open the word verse to verse i do the science Trust in god's word and never in man's defiance Cause my alliance is with the messiah Israel child parted from egypt by the fire of the bible In the red sea laying all of my rivals Cause killing god's children could flip to be suicidal Ya follow ill hearted, got hit by tidal's Never follow god unless your intentions is bridal Now i see why i came up so rough, why i be street tough Only twice got snuffed, god had a plan from beginning to end Genesis to revelation, he knew my destination Like when you come home from priz, There be a celebration I went from hell's burning world, to god's golden nation, a standing ovation, From the saint's, but still on my face is war paint Cause the devil thought he had me locked down in his chains So everyday he test me, try to mind arrest me Break me and bend me, but christ is living in me And he has to flee in jesus name, bounce baby Christ opened my vision, when my eyes were scaly So i praise him daily, my belief is rock solid I build my house upon the rock, when the winds are torrid Or just a nice day at the beach, i'm in his everlasting love and peace So i extend my reach, to touch the hem of his garment The lone tree in the thick of the forest My roots be planted in holy waters Chorus Jehovah-nissi, with my hands raised you can't defeat me I praise my way into a battle, you snakes get rattled I been there before so now i'm ready for war And with god given orders, i'm kickin' down doors And sealing one, that's detrimental, i'm instrumental A tool for christ so son who sent you, his words essential To fight the amelkites annually, battles forever Different seasons different weather, like tees to leathers Supreme being be the never seen, my faith will never swing Like a pendulum, i'm maxin' out, i felt the minimum, When i was sinnin', now i'm like a new revision The next chapter finally free from satan's prison The world, steadily taking our boys and girls The world, turning to coal what was a pearl The world, praising certain men like walking god's The world, until it's all even, they'll be at odds So i'm a member of the body of christ, we not equal in life But equal in god's sight, lets get tight With the master, before disaster strikes And you leave this world faster than flights, from laguardia Forgotten like somalia, let god be ya guardian Wrap you in love like a cardigan