Screeching Weasel

I Want Your Brain

Screeching Weasel

Tom: Ab


From: Rudeb123@*
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 12:31:57 -0400

BAND=Screaching Weasel
SONG= want your brain

intro=3Df#5(6th string) to f5(5th string)

verse=3Df#5(5th string) to b5 to e5(5th string) to b5

chorus=3Da5 to b5 to f#5(5th string) to e5(5th string) to f#5(5th string)=



(If anyone knows the words to "We Skate," could you email them to Rudeb12=
("We Skate" is one Boogadaboogadaboogada too)