You'll get your riboflavin any way that you can, 6 Ho-ho's in your mouth and 8 Ding-dongs in your hand. When you slip into a peaceful nighttime snooze, be sure to lock the door so the Twinkies won't get you. They're coming after you they're getting back at you twinkie warfare. You left a Twinkie on the counter on a rainy Friday night, it mutated and it touched you and ripped out both of your eyes. Your junk food ain't taking anymore bites from you, maybe learn a lesson and eat some real food. They're coming after you they're getting back at you twinkie warfare. 12 more Ho-ho's an ice cream bar a full size Nestle Crunch. Chips Ahoy and Oreos and jam with Hawaiian Punch. Why do you think we look the way we do? Punk rock junk food junkies were the Weasel crew. They're coming after you they're getting back at you twinkie warfare.