Sad for all what's left behind Sad for all the buried minds Paying for the wasted trials Counting on each other’s strength at our funeral Living alone with our fascination Our fascinating dreams Our fascinating memories so Now it is time for Sad for all the waste of time Sad for our share in crime Wasting all the brilliant notions Needles filled with gold feed all the narcotic minds Living alone with our fascination Our fascinating dreams Our fascinating memories so Now it is time for a revolution Revolution Revolution So now it is time for a Drowning between our separation and despair Living with everlasting dreams tied up to a chair Begging for a single view as result of all that's gone So now it's time for a revolution So now it's time for a Earning most wanted credits by raping each other's souls Laziness as ingredient for attention drawing fools Moving on batteries when the new world order arrives So now it's time for a revolution So now it's time for you