Sawhill Sacrifice

Great Ones

Sawhill Sacrifice

Whispers of forgotten great ones
Seeped down from the dark stars
Absurd prehuman blasphemies
In pages of Necronomicon
Black throne at the center of chaos
He who is not to be named
Horrid messenger Nyarlathotep
Black goat in the woods with a thousand young

Key - gate - guardian
Past - present - future

Strange cults longing for cataclysm
Mad dreams of formless Tsathoggua
Beings too horrid to behold
Seeing means death or delirium
They tread behind the shadows
They lie where nowhere is
In shapes beyond comprehension
Colors of insanity

Se kuollut ei oo mi voi iäti maata
Aikojen myötä voi kuolokin laata

Cthulhu waits beneath the sea
Dead but dreaming he waits to be free
In his house at R'lyeh he sleeps
I feel him call for me

Cthulhu fhtagn - iä iä

They once ruled the world
Soon they will rule again
That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die