
Into Etherea


Lightning shards tearing the night sky
Cracks, bearing down, divisions in time and space as we fly
Projecting, souls, rise!

Eclectic, blind, alive?

Deep inside, through mother earth's dark veins
Pumping lifeblood, black cold and evil
Sinister psychosis, musculature malfunctions
Haemorrhaging death from the inside

And now
Gateways divide
Side, by side
Harmony collides!

Sacntity's history (en) slaving the mirror and capturing sins, (of) old!
Forgotten lore, unspoken taboos making blasphemy's guise!

Now, soaring through skies, in desperate times, a dark path behind me
Golden promises glaze my eyes!
Hypnotic perception, the symbols and signs become clear
Bestowed upon us, wonders you cannot fathom
Blistering cold, shockwaves through structures and life-forms
Souls sold for lies, like lambs to the slaughter!

Electric convulsions the only resemblance, now
Pounding the walls, reaching out to be free
Chasing the light that was mine plain to see
Now burning my eyes, burning my eyes

Hidden in subsurface plains of unconscious
Winds taking air from my lungs as it leaves
My guardian to a lifetime in here
The black wall to wall, enclosing my fear!

Deep inside, through mother earth's dark veins
Pumping lifeblood, black cold and evil
Sinister psychosis, musculature malfunctions
Haemorrhaging death now!

Now, soaring through skies, in desperate times, a dark path behind me
Golden promises glaze my eyes!

Now, soaring through skies, in desperate times, a dark path behind me
Golden promises glaze my eyes!
Blistering cold, shockwaves through structures and life forms
Souls sold for lies, lambs to the slaughter!