Satanic Surfers

Skate, Don't Care

Satanic Surfers

Let's all jump in, ready to thrash
Lose an arm or leg, ain't no match
But then someone said: Girls should only get half
What the fuck, man? This ain't jackass!
Skating's about freedom and thinking for yourself
So start the gears and let's raise hell
We're in this together, girls and boys
So drop the attitude and raise your voice

Skate, don't care
No, skateboards don't care if you're a boy or a girl
Fuck the gender roles and norms of this messed up world

Those arguments are bull, saying girls are weak
See, that's kind of funny coming from you
Cause the bully's always scared, and you're no better
Grow a pair and read this letter
Women of the world: Skating is for you
Don't let anyone tell you what to do
So come on down, unite the crew
Skating is for me - skating is for you

Skate, don't care
No, skateboards don't care if you're a boy or a girl
Fuck the gender roles and norms of this messed up world

I've been thinking for quite some time
It's so sad, it's such a crime
Girls getting less in a stupid contest
Man, I thought we'd come much further than this
But oh no: Don't ruin the boys fun

I've been thinking for quite some time
We gotta leave this shit behind
Equality on four solid wheels
Sneakers, barefoot or high heels

Skate, don't care
No, skateboards don't care if you're a boy or a girl
Fuck the gender roles and norms of this messed up world