The river state internal security task force is handling the security In the oil regions of Nigeria With mesiyres of brutality And guns financed with the money of western companies Who operate joint ventures with the nigerian government Enriching a smal minoriy while the vast majority Becomes increasingly impoverished And no one can deny that severe humans right violations Have been comitted in relation To the oil exploration detentions, executions restrictions On the rights of freedom of expression (association and assembly) And no excuse can ever be enough For the genocide of the ogoni people How quicklythruth can be silenced News rearranged and justed When the price is right And the price is always right when Economical profit is valued higher than human life And no one can deny that severe humans right violations Have been comitted in relation To the oil exploration detentions, executions restrictions On the rights of freedom of expression (association and assembly) And no excuse can ever be enough For the genocide of the ogoni people