From the beginning you have created The heavens and the earth And everything in them The earth was empty and formless But your spirit was already Moving on the face of the waters From a way a wonderfull and incredible You created nature, rivers, animals And all the living being The snow and the rains, by your praise Mountains, oceans, the horizon The worderfull sound of wind And created the man Author of creation, king of the universe Nature praises you, oh father All in reverence and submission Almighty God, king of the kings We will show the world you're the author of creation To the sound of your words everything Was made and came into being revealing your perfection The heavens declare your glory And the firmament proclaim your works lord Great is your name for you Have did it everything by inspiration And created the man on his image Revealing the perfect love Hosanna to the king! Author of creation, king of the universe Nature praises you, oh father All in reverence and submission Almighty God, king of the kings We will show the world you're the author of creation Praised be the king of the universe Earth and heavens sing in his praise And every being that breathes