"Is he dead?" the Stranger said No, she tells him. Say you bounce a ball Have you ever noticed that Between the business of its going up and the business of its fall it hesitates? It just waits There's a fraction of a second there when it's luxuriating in the air Before its fate rushes it on. "But he's hanging there" Yes, he's hanging, yes, but from the tree of life "Is he some sort of sacrifice?" Yes, he's a sacrifice… He gave himself to himself so he could see. He gave himself to himself so he could see. He gave himself to himself so he could see. He gave himself "So he could see?" As only you can see When the world is upside down And you hang From the branch of a tree "So that's me?" Yes, it's where you seem to be. And you hang from the branch of a tree. "So that's me?" Yes, it's where you seem to be. "So that's me."