Captain’s in the front seat underneath his cap Papers and tobacco rest in his lap And he’s humming an old Creedence song We’re hurtling down the A1 On the way to Leicester to play another show He sits behind the faders and drinks ‘cos he knows When Monday comes if all goes to plan He’s up at dawn and back in the van And he’ll drive into the night chasing the red tail lights And he’ll drive into the night, there he’ll witness dawn’s first light There he’ll witness dawn’s first light We played until eleven, my hands were getting sore The ones who stayed to listen cheered for one more And the soundman, he beamed through the crowd The encore was three times as loud Homeward on the backroad, the captain’s in a state He’s up for work tomorrow, I tell him it’s late He turns to me and stifles a yawn ‘While you sleep I see every dawn’ And he’ll drive into the night chasing the red tail lights And he’ll drive into the night, there he’ll witness dawn’s first light There he’ll witness dawn’s first light