Em um dia lembrará Em que tudo que fez Foi por causa da liberdade Para ser aquilo que sempre quis ser Mas não obteve sucesso Que é ser livre Tem que perder para ser livre Liberdade é perder What makes you think that it is free? Do what you want? Control other? Be God? Have everything to be free Have a pack of cigarettes? A liter of drink? A lot of money? Freedom have a price And that price is the loss Be free it to lose Lose to be free Nothing will give you freedom Neither moral nor spiritual Have a woman? Have a family? Have an appointment? It will come winning This miserable life Will not be fighting Is not running Is not paying Freedom have a price And that price is the loss Be free it to lose Lose to be free If you will be losing what you can not miss? Lose faith, employment, the person What will you do? Nothing will prevent you Free to do what you want Free to be whatever you want