salem ilese

Thank You Note

salem ilese

I deserve a thank you note
For giving you my presence all year long
I deserve a thank you note
That's the only present that I want
Honey, all I need beneath the tree is a letter made from you to me
Just a thank you note, baby

My Christmas wish-list fits on a post-it (post-it)
I wrote it so big, hoping you'd notice (notice)
Don't spend one cent, a sentence is golden
Written by hand, as nice as you can to show you're devoted

I deserve a thank you note
For giving you my presence all year long
I deserve a thank you note
That's the only present that I want
Honey, all I need beneath the tree is a letter made from you to me
Just a thank you note, baby

Stressed out, full house, every December (each one)
You sing: Clean elves, clean shelves but I'm playing Santa (no fun)
Please show me you recognise it, this night's not meant to be silent
And words speak louder than diamonds on a ring

I deserve a thank you note
For giving you my presence all year long
I deserve a thank you note
That's the only present that I want
Honey, all I need beneath the tree is a letter made from you to me
Just a thank you note, baby

(I deserve a thank you note
For giving you my presence all year long
I deserve a thank you note
That's the only present that I want)
Honey, all I need beneath the tree is a letter made from you to me
Just a thank you note, oh, just a thank you note
Just a thank you note, baby