(Oh, believe me- Your death will be most celebrated) I'm coming home! God, I'm coming home! To awaken the depths of blood to shake the rot from these souls in the event it all turns to shit I'm preaching the words "don't let 'em get away with it" it's eye for an eye a tooth for their claw our teeth to bare and we'll swallow them fucking all we are the open maw the breath of discontent a hymnal upon the lips that starves for selfish men the airy space between resolve and fate that the false prophets have systematically detained we are the open maw we shall swallow them... breathe deep we are the voice of a god that they have always feared breathe deep we are the wrath of a god they they will come to fear we are the open maw the breath of discontent a hymnal upon the lips that starves for selfish men it will be our choice to take mercy it will be our choice to redeem breathe deep we are the voice of a god that they have always feared breathe deep we are the wrath of a god they they will come to fear