Baby, your making me want you. An baby, your making me love you. We're in the city, city. Making me want you. We're in the city, city. Making me love you, making me care. Do dooh, do dooh, do dooh, do dooh. Da da dum, da dum, da dum. Baby, your making me want you. ( want you. ) An baby, your making me love you. ( love you. ) We're in the city, city making me want you. ( want you. ) We're in the city, city, city making me love you. ( making melove you. ) Making me care. ( making me care. ) Do do dooh, do dooh do do, do doo dooh, do dooh. Da da dum, da dah. Do doo dooh, do doo dooh, GAVE UP ON DO'S, DOOHS AND DA'S ATTHIS POINT. Da dum. ( want you. ) ( love you.) ( want you. ) In the city your footsteps float in the air / in the city atnight there's no one else there / in the city see all the old streetlamps again / in the city they took all the new ones away / you winddown a window to let in some light / through the middle of glossum ( ?) billboards at night / and pausing to catch your breath in therain / in the city your home again / again. Do dooh etc. x4 Da dum. Da dum.