Coming from where he did he was turned away from every door like joseph to even the toughest among us that would be too much he didn't know what it was to be black 'til they gave him his change but didn't want to touch his hand to even the toughest among us that would be too much isn't it just enough how hard it is to live isn't it hard enough just to make it through a day the secret of their fear and their suspicion standing there looking like an angel in his brown shoes his short suit his white shirt and his cuffs a little frayed coming from where he did he was such a dignified child to even the toughest among us that would be too much isn't it just enough how hard it is to live isn't it hard enough just to make it through a day coming from where he did he was turned away from every door like joseph to even the toughest among us that would be too much he didn't know what it was to be black 'til they gave him his change but didn't want to touch his hand to even the toughest among us that would be too much vindo de onde ele veio ele afastou cada porta como José mesmo para o mais resistente entre nós isto seria muito ele não sabia o que era estar no escuro até lhe darem uma chance, mas não queria tocar suas mãos mesmo para o mais resistente entre nós, isto seria muito isto não é o suficiente como é difícil viver apenas passando o dia a razão se seus medos e de suas suspeitas os obvserva como um anjo nos sapatos morrons dele sua necessidade reduzida sua camisa branca e seus punhos como um pequeno caminho vindo de onde ele veio ele era uma criança nobre mesmo para o mais resistente entre nós isto seria muito não é suficiente é difícil viver apenas para passar o dia By Simone Calixto