I can't believe my mind It gets taken all the time I can't believe my mind Don't I mean we when we say I? Who filled my heart with the wisdom To let the world go Who put my mind in prison Set to pounce and overthrow Who joined them in this body Not fit to house a fly And who can sort through the thousand thought streams Of a million varied I's Who decides which will be in power As I sleepily lift my head Who decides which one will flower And which one will wish me dead Who decides to spurn the lover And who mourns for what we had This one now, next time another Who responds when you say brad Because I can't believe my mind It gets overtaken all the time I can't believe my mind Don't I mean we when we say I Let go Let go Let go Let go I am a clockwork orange I am the soft machine A slave to the thousand selves Who are making their play for me I pray for my will to gather Her restless children in And hand back over the reigns to me Of this person I'm living in Because I can't believe my mind It gets overtaken all the time I can't believe my mind Don't I mean we when we say I Let go Let go Let go Let go