I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free What's the cost you ask What would you be paying You pay with your soul And with your life, my friend I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free That's what it means To see yourself set free Now it's up to you To lead or forget I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free That's what it means To see yourself set free Now it's up to you To lead or forget I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free What's the cost you ask What would you be paying You pay with your soul And with your life, my friend I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free I dwell openly On a feast of values I don't get them for free That's what it means To see yourself set free Now it's up to you To lead or forget That's what it means To see yourself set free Now it's up to you