Sabbath Assembly

Jehovah Of Death

Sabbath Assembly

Now is the time of death
Life is death, we live in Hell
Bodies mind souls trapped
In a death sentence that lasts a lifetime

Fear not the death to come
For that is our release
Even at the time of final agony
Be strong for Jehovah is with you

Wherever men go to search in their desire
And seek to rule their destiny
There they shall find me

Whatever their need to be master of the game
Shall be chaff in the wind beside my universe

(Ever above and beyond hear oh people, I speak
Know this: I am God, even thy God
I come with fire before me
Psalm 50:3-7)

(When I whet my flashing sword
When I set my hand to judgment
I shall take vengeance upon my adversaries
And repay those who've said they hate me
My arrows shall become drunk with blood
And my soul shall devour their flesh
With the blood of the slain and the captives
Deuteronomy 32:41-42)